Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 2 Notes

Personal Computer Hardware (Wikipedia):  This website was extremely helpful in my understanding of computer hardware terminology. When it comes to computers I'm pretty naive in hardware set up and usually take it to a store to get fixed, but at least now when they tell me the problems I'll understand them. I enjoyed learning about the storage capacity of the removable media devices. I never knew a Blu-Ray disc held seventy times as much as a CD. Also, the mention of the floppy disc brought me back to high school and really made me think of how technology has advanced so rapidly.

Moore's Law (Wikipedia & Video):  Moore's Law has truly shown how technology has grown. His prediction, made forty five years ago, that the number of transistors would double about every two years has been spot on. It makes me wonder how technological gadgets will be like in 2015? Also, I found it interesting how companies have spent a mass amount of effort and money to keep up with Moore's Law and how it became an overall goal to the industry.

The Computer History Museum:  As a museum addict, exploring an unfamiliar museum website was an absolute pleasure. The exhibitions were all fascinating and nicely laid out. I spent most of the time exploring the Visible Storage Exhibition, which provided highlights from the collection. It was fun to see the photographs of the different machines and computers from the past. It really shows how far we have come. Additionally, I enjoyed the history timeline and learning about the major companies, devices, and people that effected our culture. 

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